Space Knowledge: "The Sun & Beyond The Solar"

Show Details

Featured: 00:00 The Sun The Sun is our star. Its energy enables life on the Earth to thrive yet we know so little about the solar weather and the 11 year solar cycle. Modern technology can be adversely affected by giant coronal mass ejections and there appears to be a link between sunspot activity and climatic conditions. This episode examines the work done by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO); the Solar Dynamics Observatory and the Parker Solar Probe. 23:57 Beyond the Solar System There are so many unanswered questions about the stars, the galaxies and the universe and just mapping what lies in the night sky is immensely difficult. This episode looks at the effort involved in making the first photograph of a black hole and the search for planets orbiting distant stars.

10/20/2023 12:00:00 AM

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